
Our refund policy lasts 15 days. If 15 days have gone by since your purchase was delivered, unfortunately, we cannot offer you a refund or exchange.

Refunds & Exchanges
To be eligible for a refund or exchange, you must first contact us within 15 days of receiving your order and return the product. Upon receipt, we will refund the full purchase price of your item.  Refunds for orders paid by PayPal or credit card can only be refunded to original PayPal or credit card account. All returns are processed and paid within 7 business days.

Lost or Stolen Packages
We are not responsible for lost or stolen packages confirmed to be delivered to the address entered for an order. Upon inquiry, Hi-Neck™ will confirm the delivery to the address provided, date of delivery, tracking information, and shipping carrier information for the customer to investigate. Please make sure to enter the correct delivery address, we can not be responsible for lost packages delivered to the wrong address.